Chimney Repair vs Chimney Tear Down

Chimney Repairs, Toronto masonry, tuckpointing chimney, chimney rebuild

A lot of homes in the Toronto area have chimneys that are not in use. Due to where they are located, and our Canadian weather- chimneys are usually the first to get the brunt of brick damage. A really good option for you as a homeowner is to tear the chimney down and cap it, rather than go through a chimney repair. If you tear it down, you will eliminate any maintenance for the next 20-25 years. If you tuck point the bricks, fix it up- it will only continue to deteriorate- and will only last 3-5 years (not in all cases, it depends on the mortar/winter).
The estimate that you receive for a chimney tear down (chimney no longer in use) should look like this:

– Set up scaffold to access the roof safely

– Lay down tarps and drop cloths to protect the roof

– Break down the chimney to the roofline

– Install a concrete cap on the top of the chimney

– Full clean up of jobsite

– Dispose of rubble at an authorized waste facility

When you cap a chimney at the roof line, it is only a couple courses of bricks (the number of courses are dependant on slope, and other factors). The job should be one day with two skilled tradesman.

Looking for reliable brick repair & brick work in Toronto? Look no further than Murphy’s Masonry! Our expert team can fix brickwork on chimneys. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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